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Wildergarten Press
We guarantee that books or CDs will perform under normal use without defect for one year after date of purchase. This guarantee does not cover abuse. If you send it back, and it is damaged, or it works for us, you will not receive a refund. Please be certain you have a defective product and not some other problem.
All text downloads are parity checked as they are transferred; they are not warranted, refundable, or returnable. All download sales are final.
If you have not received your product within 14 calendar days of an order, please notify us by means of the forms on this page. You have 30 days from the promised delivery date to file a claim. We will only attempt shipping to you twice.
Mark the check-box on the Sales Support email form that this is a problem with shipping. We will make at most two (2) attempts to ship you a product; else we will refund your money less a service charge of $5.00 per copy. Sorry, but we must do this to deter fraudulent and capricious behavior. Transaction costs are that high.
It costs us about twice as much to process an order and ship a CD as to produce it. We do not accept returned CDs unless submitted under warranty for failure to work as specified.
You may return new, unopened BOOKS in their original product packaging postmarked within 30 days from the date of purchase for a full refund. We will pay the return shipping costs if the claim is due to our mistake. Just file your claim using the Sales Support email form provided, and follow the instructions on the page.
If you received a faulty product and need to exchange it for the same item, please use the Sales Support email form to request a replacement. If you would like to exchange an item other than a CD for a different one, please return the original (you will be refunded your original purchase price once we receive the item). Then place an order for the item you wish to purchase.
You have 30 days from the date of purchase to file a claim. We will replace product and reimburse shipping for:
Simple difficulty installing the software or using the file will not result in a refund. Please get assistance with your computer if you could not install Acrobat Reader. If you can read this page, your computer can run Acrobat Reader 5.0 or greater, needed to open Shemitta.
You will need your purchase invoice number.
If we fail to respond to your problem within 14 days of receipt of your claim, you will receive a full refund.
Please note that it takes us 3 to 5 business days to process returns once you make your claim and we receive the product.
Items purchased from our store cannot be returned to a physical book store.
Items purchased from a reseller must be returned to the point of purchase.
Buyers are limited to a lifetime maximum of two claims for purchases from our website.
If the packaging on your product has been breached, the most we will pay for any item is 50% of the retail price. Any CD that has been opened (taken out of its plastic wrap) will not be refunded unless it is returned defective (see above). We will refund up to 50% of retail price for items not in their original condition.
If we agree to refund your money, expect your refund within 3 weeks of giving your package to the return shipper (though in many cases you'll receive the refund sooner). That may sound like a long time, but it includes 5 to 10 business days for the shipper, plus 3 to 5 days for us to process your return, plus the time it takes for the return to reach your bank. Once we have and processed the returned item and have received a receipt from the bank, we will notify you of your refund.
Your money will be refunded in the manner it was received.
Pack the items along with the packing slip (receipt) securely in a box or wrapped in a manner similar to how you received it. Please use a similar or better method or you may not succeed in returning the book in original condition.) We suggest a box for return shipments.
If the book was a gift, and you don't have the packing slip or the order number, enclose a separate sheet of paper noting the name and e-mail address of the person who purchased it, along with the reason for your return, and send the package to the address below:
Ship to:
Wildergarten Press
P.O. Box 98
Redwood Estates, CA 95044-0098
© 2009 Wildergarten Press